
TNI ICC is an Executive Agency which implements international cooperation with other armed forces. TNI ICC is led by a one-star general and officially called as Chief of TNI International Cooperation Center (Chief of TNI ICC) or Kapuskersin TNI. TNI ICC based upon the TNI C-in-C Regulation Number 19 2021. The organizational structure of TNI ICC is directly under the command of the Chief of Defence Force (CDF) of Indonesia and it was officially inaugurated on 29th August 2013.

Scope of TNI ICC

  • Agreement of Cooperation. The arrangement  and establishment of Agreement of Cooperation including documentation and administration.
  • ASEAN Cooperation. Implementation of TNI cooperation within ASEAN armed forces.
  • Non-ASEAN Cooperation. Implementation of TNI cooperation with non-ASEAN armed forces.
  • Protocol and Visit. Providding protocol and visit program to the CDF of Indonesia and Chief of TNI General Staff.
  • Evaluation and data analysis of TNI International Cooperation.


Chief of TNI ICC

  • To assist CDF of Indonesia in formulating the strategic policy and organizing activities of international cooperation within TNI.
  • To provide staff advice and recommendation in the activities of the TNI international cooperation.
  • To coordinate the international cooperation with all TNI’s units and other institutions out of the TNI’s body.
  • To render suggestion and recommendation to the CDF of Indonesia.
  • To conduct supervision, evaluation and to record the implementation of the TNI international cooperation.
  • To implement the settings of protocol activities and events of visit program.

In executing his tasks, the Chief of TNI ICC is assisted by a Secretary and 6 Colonels as Heads of sections and a group of advisory staff, namely:


  • To organize and coordinate all the staff works of TNI ICC’s activities as directed by the Chief of TNI ICC.
  • To provide advice and recommendations in order to facilitate the TNI ICC task achievement.
  • To represent the TNI ICC on behalf the Chief of  TNI ICC.

Head Division of Cooperation Agreement

  • To formulate international cooperation agreements.
  • To carry out supervision of the formulation and regulation of the cooperation agreements within TNI and Service Headquarters.
  • To provide appropriate advice and recommendation to the Chief of TNI ICC.

Head Division of ASEAN Cooperation

  • To coordinate the activities of the military-to-military cooperation with relevant government agencies in order to improve and develop the military cooperation between TNI and the Armed Forces of ASEAN countries.
  • To carry out supervision and to monitor the TNI activities in collaboration with the ASEAN Armed Forces.
  • To provide appropriate advice and recommendation to Chief of TNI ICC.

Head Division of Non ASEAN Cooperation

  • To coordinate the activities of the military-to- military cooperation with relevant government agencies in order to improve and develop the military cooperation between TNI and the Armed Forces of Non-ASEAN countries.
  • To carry out supervision and to monitor the TNI activities in collaboration with the Non-ASEAN Armed Forces.
  • To provide appropriate advice and recommendation to Chief of TNI ICC.

Head Division of Protocol and Visit

  • To prepare visit programs of high ranking officials of friendly countries and overseas visit programs for the CDF of Indonesia and TNI Chief of General Staff.
  • To coordinate with relevant government agencies in order to prepare the visit program protocol and activities of bilateral and multilateral military cooperation.
  • To provide appropriate advice and recommendation to the Chief of TNI ICC.

Head Division of Evaluation, Data and Information

  • To carry out the preparation, processing and documentation of data and information on the activities of TNI international military cooperation.
  • To conduct an evaluation and analysis of the implementation of the activities of TNI international military cooperation.
  • To render appropriate advice and recommendation to the Chief of TNI ICC.

Head of Advisory Group

  • To formulate advice and recommendation to the Chief of TNI ICC in the fields of international military cooperation from the standpoint of international law and rules of the nation; international relations.
  • To carry out other special tasks under the direction of the Chief of TNI ICC.
  • To provide an appropriate advice and recommendation to the Chief of TNI ICC.